Q: Why hasn’t my order arrived?
A: Chances are one of the items you ordered is a ‘pre-order’, you can check that by going to the item’s product page. Orders won’t ship until all items are available. If you wish to receive items as soon as they are available, please place orders individually. If you don’t live in the US then its probably just taking its time. International shipments generally take around 2 weeks to arrive, some times less but often more. If your tracking is giving you no answers then try contacting your local post office. If a month goes by and still nothing then shoot an email to {Info at Famous Class dot Com} and we’ll get you sorted out.
Q: My order was damaged during shipping, can you help?
A: For sure. please send a photo of the damaged record to {Info at Famous Class dot Com} and make sure to include your order info.
Q: Why is shipping to Canada and Overseas so dang high?
A: USPS just jacked up the price for international shipping yet again. It sucks I know. If you’re looking to save money on shipping then order more stuff! yes that sounds like a ploy of mine i know but with the new rates shipping 2 vs 8 single 7″ costs the same amount… I wish we had a better option for international shipping, I realize it costs twice as much to ship a 7″ the it does for the actual 7″, if you know of a better option than First Class Mail International I’m all ears.
Q: Is this dog hair in my package!??”
A: Take it up with this guy…
Q:Where is my download?”
A: Not all Famous Class releases come with free download, and unless it specifically says so on the item’s product page it probably does not. For the LAMC series, downloads are available on the bandcamp and are set up so you can ‘name your own price’. All the money from the digital side goes to charity but if you’d like (to be an asshole) you can just enter $0.00 and get them for free.https://famousclass.bandcamp.com
Q: Where do I send my awesome demo / I haven’t heard back about my awesome demo
A: First off: Please don’t send CDs, I don’t have a CD player. The best bet is to send a bandcamp or soundcloud link or something like that. If you haven’t heard back from us sorry, that might happen now and again.
Q: Are you still doing the LAMC Series?
A: YES. I know it’s been a while but I want to keep the LAMC Series awesome. Conversations are happening but sometimes it takes a while to convert those into physical 7”s. In the meantime I’m pretty stoked on the new non-LAMC records we’ve got going on.
Q: Can I be an intern for the label?
A: Right now Famous Class is not looking for interns, we may in the future so keep your ears open.
Q: Are you hiring?
A: I WISH! Famous Class is something I run on top of a full time job, if Famous Class was ever going to take on a full time employee it I think I’d be at the front of the line.